Belgians and promotions

Four times a year, the WES Consumeter asks questions about various subjects to a representative sample of 1500 Belgians between 18 and 74 years old. In the autumn, questions were asked about the behaviour of Belgian consumers regarding retailers’ actions and promotions.
Which supermarkets give the best promotions?
The Belgians believe that Colruyt offers the best promotions. Colruyt is followed by the discount chains Lidl and Aldi. The same top three applies to Flanders, although Aldi is closely followed by Albert Heijn. In Wallonia it is a neck-and-neck race between the discount chains, but here Aldi wins by only a slight margin. Colruyt is also in first position in Brussels but is followed by Delhaize and then by Aldi.
Which promotions are the most successful?
In our Consumeter we used images to examine which type of promotions work best with the Belgians. Various promotions were shown in random order to the consumer panel. In turn, the respondents had to give a score from 1 to 10 on how attractive they found the promotion.
Logically, the promotions that give a 50% discount are more attractive than promotions with a 25% discount. More information on the different mechanisms below.
Round prices
Do round prices work better than a prize that ends with a nine? Several Belgian chains nowadays often work with promotions with round prices. In this survey, the examples of bread and pasta were used, both at either 2 for € 2 or 2 for € 1.99. For the bread, the ‘2 for € 1.99’ was slightly more interesting than the ‘2 for € 2’. There was no difference for the pasta. In general, there is little difference between the two mechanisms and we cannot conclude that the Belgians find round prices more attractive.
-50% discount
A fresh product (e.g. Broccoli) at -50% discount is more attractive than a 1 product + 1 free. The explanation lies in the fact that a fresh product does not last long and a multi-buy is therefore not interesting. This statement is confirmed with products that have a longer shelf life. For beverage brands (e.g. Coca Cola Zero) and own brand shampoo the 1 + 1 promotions are the most attractive.
-33% discount
The same reasoning can be followed for the -33% discount category. A broccoli at -33% each is a lot more attractive than a broccoli at 2 + 1 free. There is little difference between the -33% and the 2 + 1 for products with long shelf life. A fresh product at -33% is also considered much more attractive than a product with a long shelf life at -33% or 2 + 1 free.
-25% discount
The same reasoning also applies here. The fresh products (broccoli, yoghurt) are more attractive as single-buy than as multi-buy. For products with a long shelf life, the multi-buy is more interesting.
Saving campaigns or discount coupons?
The Belgians make more use of coupons than of saving campaigns. 35% often use coupons, 37% sometimes and 23% rarely or never. 25.5% say they often participate in savings campaigns. For both saving and discount coupons, we see that the older the public, the more often they participate.
The results can be compared in function of age, gender, region, province, family situation, professional situation and social class.
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